Maritta Renz

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Amber River Camp

Botswana, Africa

Every day at Amber River Camp was fantastic.

We saw over 40 animals, many of them during every safari in multiple numbers.

An early morning start during another stunning sunrise brought us to some hippos hanging out, bobbing their heads in and out of the water as they ate.

During our second day's excursion, we followed fresh leopard tracks, learning how to decipher old tracks from new. Tracking actually led us to a fresh kill, so we know it's close.

We also watched a male impala, little antelopes that roam in Africa, call and collect the females in his herd. He had quite the herd of females to look after.

We saw elephants, zebras, giraffes, various birds, and even a water snake warming up on a log.

Tonight we heard the lions, but did not leave in search of them. To us they sounded close, but apparently they were not that close nor in the right area for us to reach.

We enjoyed another sun downer near water and and wrapped up the evening with a fantastic meal followed by Kyler and I staying up to learn from Jaco how to shoot the milky way which is quite visable in the dark sky here.