Hvar and Split

A Fall Journey Through Hvar and Split

As autumn weather crossed the Croatian coastline, our adventure through Hvar and Split grew cooler and wetter, a sure sign of the changing season.

Our plans changed as an island boat tour was cancelled due to these shifting conditions. The catamaran ferry connecting Hvar and Split had to be rescheduled, opting for a larger car ferry to navigate the rough waters.

In Hvar, we embraced the elements, heading out into the strong winds to hike along the picturesque coastline. Breathtaking vistas rewarded us with waves crashing high against the shoreline.

Split greeted us with sporadic rain, but it didn't dampen our spirits. We explored the ancient Diocletian's Palace, taking shelter for meals and coffee during the heavy downpours.

We visited Diocletian’s Palace, a UNESCO Heritage site and the former residence of a Roman emperor, and the centerpiece of Split, Croatia's second-largest city.

The roots of this place run deep. The land where Croatia now stands was once known as Illyria during the Roman era. It's here that Emperor Diocletian chose to build his retirement palace, leaving a lasting mark on this region.

Thanks to Game of Thrones, it's also become known as Meereen, one of the cities conquered by Daenerys Targaryen. Markets are set up in the dungeon where the dragons were kept.

Now, after a month of exploration across seven countries, it's time to bid farewell and head home. Our journey has been a whirlwind of emotions, from laughter to tears, and a source of endless education. We've been treated to beautiful landscapes, charming medieval cities, and, of course, the delightful indulgence of gelato. This experience was made all the more special by the company of wonderful fellow travellers.

Maritta Renz

Travel and street photographer and blogger


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