Lamaire Channel to Petermann Island.
Day 6 Continues
Resting seals and penquins on Petermann Island
We leave Booth Island for Lemaire Channel in hopes of being able to explore Petermann Island. The weather is deteriorating but the scenery continues to impress.
Fortunately, we can venture out to explore it. The Zodiac ride to shore is another fun wet and bumpy experience.
This island is different in that there are red algae that covers the snow this time of year. A red abandoned Argentinian refuge hut stands near the shore and Gentoo penguins and seals are relaxing around the island.
While visiting the island the wind turned to strong gusts requiring everyone to cut the visit short and leave the island.
Later while on board during our daily recap and briefings, the crew does a thorough job of recapping the day and updating us on what's to come. Today we are reminded of the storms on either side of us.
The current wind chart shows the storms closing in and picking up speed. 30-plus Knott winds generating larger waves are likely ahead of us. It may be a bumpy ride but nothing to be concerned about, our captains got this. I am not at all concerned but do hope my sea sickness remedies hold up with an increase in the ships rocking and rolling.