From Portopalo to Modica. A Torturous Odyssey

After a gruelling 63-kilometre, 7-hour escapade, we finally rolled into Modica, our bodies running on fumes and our spirits questioning our life choices. It was a journey as beautiful as it was torturous, with a 938-meter elevation gain that felt like twice that.

I was riding my bike in "echo mode," partly to burn off the mountains of pasta and gelato I've been consuming and partly out of sheer sympathy for Norm. I wanted a workout, sure, but I also wanted to conserve my battery in case Norm needed a boost.

Turns out, today was the day I'd be Norm's e-wife. On day 1, my battery life was at 72%; on day 2, a respectable 84%, but by the end of this trip, it had plummeted to a measly 18%! Pulling Norm up those never-ending inclines drained my bike battery and my energy. It got Norm up the hills, but it left me pedalling like a maniac to save our electric bacon.

At one point, we made a pit stop at a gas station along our route for coffee that actually tasted good. Caffeinated and ready to tackle more uphill battles, we pressed on.

Finally, we crested a seemingly endless hill and caught our first glimpse of Modica. It was a sight for sore thighs – beautiful because it meant we were almost there, and I could finally park my bike and give my derrière a rest.

As we descended into the city, the skyline of buildings upon buildings was nothing short of spectacular. I couldn't wait to park my bike and explore.

We settled into our cozy retreat for the next couple of nights and started the dreaded 220-step descent to the main street. The only thing on our minds during that descent? The impending 220-step climb back up after dinner. Oh joy.

With our stomachs growling and energy waning, we discovered that most restaurants didn't open until 7 or 8 p.m. Too tired and hungry to wait,  a local directed us to a little sandwich joint that also served chocolate and gelato.

We stumbled back up the stairs to crash thankful tomorrow's an optional day.  Ride a bike to a nearby town or walk around this one. I already know what I will be doing tomorrow.

Maritta Renz

Travel and street photographer and blogger

From Bike Pedals to Long Flights of Stairs. A Lazy Day in Modica Sicily.


Noto to Portopalo, Sicily