Ushuaia a long way south of Canada.
How long does it take to get from Alberta Canada to Ushuaia, Argentina?
Over a day of traveling & so worth it.
9 am park at the Edmonton, 🇨🇦 airport 3 hours before takoff.
Fly to Montrel, 🇨🇦 . 4 hour flight, 3 hour layover.
Fly to Sau Paulo, 🇧🇷 10 hour flight, 2 hour layover.
Fly to Buenos Aires, 🇦🇷 2 hour 50 minute flight, 2 hour layover.
Fly to Ushuaia, 🇦🇷 3.5 hour flight.
Only about 30 hours of travel time, and glad to report everything went swimmingly.
On our bus ride to the hotel in Ushuaia,we met Sid from Canada, Bea from Germany and Justin from the USA. We went out for a late dinner together, and then booked a tour for the next day. Thanks to Bea’s early planning we joined the same tour she had pre booked.
We finally went to bed after midnight and it was lights out!
Oh how good it felt to sleep in a bed.🛌
Getting close.
Triping with the penguins.