Maritta Renz

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Off to Chobe, we go.

We flew to Chobe National Park to stay at the Pangolin Chobe Hotel. Wow, what a cool place. The exterior architecture is built to look like a pangolin, also called a scaly anteater, because of their preferred diet of ants. They are the only mammal fully covered in scales and are the most trafficked mammal in the world. They are nocturnal, so we haven't seen one yet, and likely won't.

At Pangolin they prioritize photography which makes it a dream location for me. Not just because I love to take photos, but because they provide the gear so Norm and the kids can have the opportunity to take great photos.

Boy did we get great photo opportunities! Our first outing was in the boat that has camera mounts and swivel chairs. From the water you can get up close to the animals who live, eat and drink in the Chobe River.

We saw crocodiles, elephants, cape buffalos, impalas, the list goes on. The most entertaining sighting was the black snake slithering across Kayleas feet when we were in the boat heading back to the dock. She felt something over one foot and then the other so she looked down, saw a snake and screamed. Jaco, our guide, came to the rescue with lightning speed reflexes and threw it overboard. That was a little closer than Kaylea expected to get to the wildlife.

While back at the hotel enjoying a lovely dinner outside, a cape buffalo came up to a water hole they have close by. I was able to get a close-up eye-level view of him from a viewing bunker they have. Very cool.

It was a fabulous first day here, and since I'm catching up on my posts I can tell you tomorrow gets even better.