Road Trip to Chicago

Day 3 is a long one.

With another early start to the day, I arrived at the Northgate US border Crossing shortly after 7 am only to find it was closed and wouldn't open until 9 am. Who knew? I found another crossing about half an hour west down a gravel road, so even though this was adding another hour or more of driving, it was still faster and better than sitting and waiting.

I was on the road for 12.5 hours today, driving through clouds, light rain and downpours. I spent the night in St Cloud, Minnesota, ready for a good night's sleep.

Day 4 was much shorter, but it was still rainy as I drove to Madison, Wisconsin. I walked around the capital city and visited its state capital building, which is quite lovely.

These past two days were rainy and not as colourful, so I didn't take many photos.

On my fifth day, I finally arrived in Chicago. Although I planned to avoid rush hour traffic delays, I was still delayed by one hour due to construction, and then I had to navigate the downtown traffic and try to park in front of the hotel. So many people, so many cars!

After settling in, I strolled along the river walk, a buzz of activity, and enjoyed a fantastic dinner overlooking the river. It is bustling right now, as Lalapalooza is on this weekend. Lollapalooza is one of the largest music festivals in the world, and about 400,000 people attend it.

Maritta Renz

Travel and street photographer and blogger

Chicago Streets


Scenic Saskatchewan Journey