Maritta Renz

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Touring Mallorca, Spain

Today was a fabulous day of driving, walking and dodging mishaps.

Mallorca is a more beautiful island than I expected. We drove through the mountains from Port de Soller to Port de Pollenca. What a stunning landscape, but wow, do you ever have to pay attention to the road. It's narrow and windy with tight S-turns.

Alistair did a fantastic job navigating the twists and turns, dodging goats, cyclists and motorbikes. Twice, he had to stop and back up as a bus was coming around a tight corner in our lane. He even dodged a car approaching us while passing a bus around a corner in our lane.  It was, however, a fantastic drive.

On one of our stops, we enjoyed a long coastal walk in Port de Pollenca. What a lovely long walkway along the water.  At one point, while enjoying our walk, the sidewalk narrowed, and people moved closer together when Alistair felt someone in his pocket, and a man on the beach yelled, "Hey! He's got your wallet!" The man trying to grab Alistair's wallet pulled his hand away without getting it.

The most amazing thing happened. Everyone instantly surrounded the two men. At least a dozen or more people surrounded these two men, and nobody was letting them pass until we were all sure we had our wallets and phones. The astute man on the beach came running up, ensuring Alistair had everything. I took pictures of the men, and when everyone knew they had their items, we let them go.  It was a crazy and heartwarming experience. I was so impressed with how instantly and instinctively everyone pulled together to help.

On our route back, we thought we would stop for lunch, but the place we stopped at had three servers who acknowledged us but would not serve us, so we just left. Some places close at 4 pm,  and it was 330. My guess is nobody wanted to be the one to serve us before closing.

Back in town, we had dinner, a Gelato, and walked along the big expensive yachts parked in the marina, feeling like we had a satisfying day, and happy to have all our belongings.

The terraces at our hotel are beautiful

Time to back up

The mountain looks like it’s melting

Girls night out

Pickpocketing Thief #1

Pickpocketing Thief #2