Maritta Renz

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Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

As sad as I was to leave, it was time to move on.

One of the 7 natural wonders of the world

Victoria Falls is on the Zambezi River and can be seen from the Zimbabwean side, and the Zambian side.

Right now while the river's water level is high, water cascades with such volume and force that there is a constant mist that looks like smoke from afar. And up close, it's like visiting the falls in the rain. In fact the area that is touched by the mist is a rain forest, and beyond that, a desert.

We wore ponchos to try to stay dry, but still managed to get wet. It was beautiful, wet and fun, but there were parts where the mist was so thick you could only hear the force of the waterfall.

In the evening, of our first night, we enjoyed a visit to a market the locals shop at and purchased a large bag of peanuts for a dollar. We enjoyed a fabulous meal prepared by a local resident at her home, who offered up insight into the Zimbabwe culture.

For our second night we enjoyed a peaceful sunset dinner cruise on the Zambezi River.