Banana Beer Lessons

After visiting the gorillas, we went into town to learn how to make banana beer.
It's quite the process,  from squishing the bananas with grasses to squeeze out the juice,  roasting the sorghum,  straining the juice over branches and then fermenting in a pot for a few days.
It was nice having some of the locals,  including many of the kids, join us.  It was a fun and welcoming experience.
We did a little shopping for souvenirs and then went to a local bar,  and what a tiny bar it is.  We sat on the back deck,  hoping it would hold up with everyone out there.

We ordered a bottle of honey wine,  toasted to a great day,  took a sip, and all agreed it should not smell and taste like petroleum.  I looked at the cork, yuk and then looked for the vintage.  2012, with a note saying keep it in a cool, dry place. We all had a good chuckle and ordered hard liquor instead.
Some of us danced a little before heading back to our lodge to call it a night.

Maritta Renz

Travel and street photographer and blogger

Touring Uganda


Gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda