Maritta Renz

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Scenic Saskatchewan Journey

Day 2 of my road trip was breathtaking. I journeyed about 700 km from Cypress Hills to Moose Mountain Provincial Park in southeastern Saskatchewan. The scenic drive was a palette of colors and diverse landscapes, stunning and interesting.

The weather was dry and warm, with some clouds that cast fantastic lighting across the landscape. Sleeping in a tent meant waking early, so by 6 AM, I was on the road, passing great photo opportunities. Historical farm buildings and colorful crops dotted the route.

In one town, I chatted with a local woman, sharing how much I enjoyed the scenic views. She laughed, delighted to hear someone appreciated Saskatchewan's beauty instead of the usual "you can see forever" comments.

While that stereotype might hold for parts of Saskatchewan, southern Saskatchewan, this time of year is undeniably gorgeous.

The best part was travelling on quiet secondary highways, allowing me to pull over and take pictures. Today was one of my favourite solo road trip days I have recently taken.