Scooter Day

Today we rented another scooter and rode north to check out the countryside. It was a little windy which made for a nice  temperature on the scooter, but also offered up some sandblasting from wind gusts throwing up gravel.

We spent half a day riding north to Salvacion, had a bite to eat and rode back.
After dusting off we took a very bumpy tuk-tuk ride to the hot springs. We hung out there for an hour, and ran into the same Filipino family we met on Nacpan Beach during our ride from El Nido a couple days earlier.  Back at the hotel we freshened up again and then enjoyed a nice supper.
It was a pretty relaxing easy day.

Maritta Renz

Travel and street photographer and blogger

Malapascua here we come.


Coron, The Super Ultimate Tour